Cholera outbreak in school spreads fast.

The fear of cholera outbreak in schools grips the nation as the schools will resume from their mid-term break and sallah holiday on Wednesday. The fear remains that many pupils may contact cholera in school. Cholera is a food and water borne disease which is caused by the ingestion or digestion of vibrio cholerae bacteria.

The public health experts have indicated that the disease broke out in the country last week and it could spread fast as the school resume, if preventive measures are not taken.Celine Lafoucrier, the Chief of UNICEF, Lagos Field Office, advised that extensive measures be taken to protect school children, indicating that effective efforts must be taken to avoid disruption in the school calendar.

A recent warning from the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and prevention tells the public of the increasing spread of cholera cases across the nation.They explained the need to prevent the disease from spreading in schools. The reason remains that the children face substantial health risks especially those from ages five and under. These kids are prone to severe dehydration and they have a higher mortality rate.

“Despite the state government’s efforts to provide water to its population, the current outbreak demonstrates the need for an urgent government focus on ensuring the water provided to the population is clean and risk-free.’’

“Addressing the challenges of cholera outbreaks requires a deliberate focus of state policies to provide high-standard water and sanitation facilities, as well as strengthened healthcare systems capable of responding to the demand in times of outbreaks, and state-led educational campaigns on cholera prevention to protect children and the population at large,” she emphasised.

A professor of public health at the University of Ilorin and Consultant Public Health Physician at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Kwara State, Prof Kayode Osagbemi, said the disease could spread in schools if preventive measures are not taken.Osagbemi said, “There will be gatherings of people in schools, and the moment they (schoolchildren) are sharing items, it can spread. If any of them is infected, it can spread to others, rather than if they are in their homes.

“Generally, the spread in schools is not a major concern, except maybe in boarding houses. In boarding houses, one person infected may infect others through contamination of the water and their food.”

The health expert also noted that the best way to avoid the spread of the disease is to make provision for clean food, waterand and introduce frequent hand washing for children.“So, for now, the students should go with their water bottles, rather than sharing water. Then, there should be hand-washing facilities in the schools, and even in their toilets.“When they get home, they should wash their hands and take their baths before eating; and within schools, there should be no sharing of things for now, since there is an outbreak,” he explained.

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