House of Representatives accuse Dangote Cement mgt for price hike in cement, threatening to arrest.

The House of representatives on Tuesday after a joint committee on the increase of cement prices has threatened to arrest Dangote Cement if they fail to appear in the next hearing.

On the 7th of May, it can be recalled that the legislatures had issued an ultimatum to all cement Manufacturers which was to span for 14 days. The manufacturers were to appear in the joint committee and give their reasons for the increment in cement price across the country. 

Jonathan Gbefwi, the Chairman, House Committee on Solid Minerals,gave the summon at a public hearing to investigate the  increasing   price of cement in Nigeria which is done by cement manufacturers.

But at the hearing on Tuesday, some officials of the cement company were found absent from the joint committee with an excuse; and the committee felt offended by it.

The special panel while reviewing the cost of cement in the country also included that the cost of items in the country has become unaffordable for Nigerians and might get worse.

The committee demanded that the cement Manufactures and central bank of Nigeria appear before them in the next sitting in order to mitigate the situation for the benefit of the Nigerian people.

Gbefwi who represents Karu/Keffi/Kokona Federal Constituency, Nasarawa State in a brief remark, accused cement manufacturers in Nigeria of making life difficult for the masses including at the banks.

“They want to over-profit without any sense of empathy for the citizens that have given them this platform.

“On Dangote, my ruling is simple. The laws have given us the necessary powers but we owe you a duty of care. We are going to give you one more chance. We are going to communicate a date.

“Failure to comply with that date, a subpoena will be issued. A warrant of arrest will be given for you to make an appearance before the National Assembly. No single individual is bigger than the parliament of his country. No single Nigerian is bigger than the National Assembly”, Jonathan warned.

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